building a better outcome

investing in real estate

Vision REIT sponsored by EPIC Companies, is a new company with long-term plans, designed to invest in various real estate projects across the upper Midwest, particularly focusing on North Dakota and Minnesota. This entity intends to be classified as a “Real Estate Investment Trust” (REIT) for US tax purposes. This REIT status would mean that it won’t be subject to federal corporate income taxes on the income it distributes to its members.

EPIC Companies aims to provide investors with an opportunity to invest in projects like mixed-use and hospitality projects in high-demand areas. These are backed by market research, ensuring efficient use of capital. 

Invest With Us

Invest With Us

An investment in Vision REIT by EPIC provides the following benefits: 


Because a REIT invests into multiple properties, members attain diversification without the hassle of direct property management.

No Personal Guarantees

Investment in Vision REIT allows investors to avoid Personal Guarantees.

Access to Valuable Properties

Vision REIT provides the opportunity to invest in a portfolio of premium real estate that would otherwise be beyond the financial capabilities of individual members.

Potential for Growth

With Vision REIT, you have the potential to benefit from both regular income and capital appreciation as the value of the underlying properties increase.

Tax Advantages

Due to depreciation, a portion of cash received may be deemed to be nondividend distributions, which are typically taxed at 0% (tax-free). Other dividends received from the REIT will be considered QBI, which is taxed at a rate 20% lower than ordinary income.

Professional Management

Vision REIT is sponsored by EPIC Companies, experienced professionals who handle property developments, acquisitions, and management.

Images represent the real estate projects likely included in Vision REIT. They may not be included in the current offering.

Commercial Real Estate

Images represent the real estate projects likely included in Vision REIT. They may not be included in the current offering.


Images represent the real estate projects likely included in Vision REIT. They may not be included in the current offering.

Mixed-Use Properties

EPIC Companies Overview

EPIC Companies will be the property managers of Vision REIT real estate projects. Located in West Fargo, ND, EPIC Companies is a real estate development, investment, and management firm dedicated to simplifying the real estate investment process. EPIC Companies specializes in revitalizing underutilized spaces, transforming them into modern mixed-use developments that are visually appealing, functional, and profitable. Our portfolio encompasses commercial real estate, including office and retail spaces, apartments, and multi-family units—all with a focus on enhancing local communities in North Dakota and Minnesota.

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Contact Us

Have questions about Vision REIT By EPIC or want to learn how you can invest? Contact our team!